8 Things About Me
8 favorite TV shows...
1. Army Wives
2. Desperate Housewives
3. LOST!
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Jon and Kate plus eight
6. The Real World (Yes, I am guilty of loving filthy reality t.v.)
7. Survivor!!
8. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
8 things I did yesterday:
1. Went to Wal-mart
2. went to my grandma and grandpa's for an early thanksgiving- they are leaving this week for Arizona!
3. ate yummy turkey dinner
4. made and fed Lacy several bottles
5. played things in a box with my fam and laughed my butt off!
6. played on the floor with Lacy and my cute little cousin Carson
7. changed a ton of diapers.
8. Rocked Lacy to sleep at G'ma's house and then held her while we played games. Then she woke-up as we were finishing up and getting ready to leave and stayed awake until around 11:30pm!!!
8 Things I look forward to:
2. FINISHING SCHOOL! (this one is pretty big!)
3. Thanksgiving at the Cabin
4. Lacy's 1st christmas
5. Buying our first home (cross your fingers that it happens in the next 6 months!!)
6. summer!!
7. growing old with my wonderful husband!
8. having more children!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Olive Garden
2. Double Dragon
3. Red Robin
4. Casa Mia
5. Mcdonalds- the best diet coke!!
6. Subway
7. Domino's
8. Little Ceasars- cheap and good!
8 Things on my wish list:
1. Go back to HAWAII!
2. I wish I was already done with school!
3. I wish we were already living in OUR house!
4. to have happy, healthy children
5. I wish Lacy still slept through the night like she did before we moved home!
6. I wish I could take Lacy to school with me :(
7. I wish I looked like I did right after I graduated High School!
8. I wish we had a king size bed
* Link to the person who tagged you
* Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself
* Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog
* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted
1) Now that Lacy is technically sleeping in her own crib in her OWN room, I get up several times a night to make sure she is still breathing.
2)We got into watching Lost when we first moved to New Mexico and I was huge and prego. We bought the 1st three seasons online and would sometimes spend ALL day and part of the night watching them so that we could be prepared for season four. We finished JUST in time and now we can't wait for season 5!
3) Jason and I are both VERY picky eaters- he doesn't eat ANY type of vegetable (except potatoes and COOKED carrots) and the only veggies I eat are green beans, corn and RAW carrots. We have no idea how we are going to get our kids to eat their veggies when we don't even buy them let alone eat them ourselves!
4) I love eating cottage cheese with just about everything- Jason hates it of course :)
5)We are both DVRaholic's. We rocord ALL of our shows so that we can watch them when there are no distractions and so we can fast forward through the commercials. Sometimes we will even wait to start watching a show 30 min. so that we are behind and can fast forward through the commercials.
6) I also love putting ranch dressing on just about anything- any kind of potatoe (mashed, baked, fried, whatever), steak, chicken, pork chops, anything! I guess you could call it my own personal ketchup and/or steak sauce!
I tag Karen, Jenny and whoever else wants to fill this out!