"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

~Angela Schwindt

Thursday, June 24, 2010

once again...

It's been too long! We haven't had a whole lot going on but I have just been too lazy. Since I last blogged.... We have planned a fun filled summer. Camping (not sure how I feel about this one yet) and a trip to UT to visit Savannah and Clark and go to the zoo and Lagoon. We can't wait! My Dad, Lori, Halee, Ethan and McKashyn were just here this past weekend for my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary. It was super fun and went by way too fast. Lacy and McKashyn (my little sis) are 3 1/2 months apart and play so well together. Kashy brought some clothes and shoes for Lacy that she grew out of and Lacy will not take the cowboy boots off! School is out and I am officially off until the end of August!! I love the perks of teaching! I am reading this book and hoping within the next month our little stinker will be diaper free. We recently bought a pool for our backyard that we haven't gotten to enjoy 100% yet because this freaking weather has been too cold. We are hoping that the nice weather we have now will stay. The backyard is also competely done and fenced in and Lacy and Mommy and Daddy love it!!

Lacy's new favorite movie(s) are toy story and toy story 2 which we recorded on our DVR for her in light of the new movie that came out. We haven't taken her to it yet but I KNOW she will love it!

Lacy's new favorite thing to tell us...
In case you can't understand it I will translate, "Don't tell me what to do little girl!" (or little boy if shes talking to Daddy)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Finally Graduation Day! My sister-in-law Stef and I finished school in December but we got to walk today at WSU-TC's graduation!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


I had the amazing opportunity to got to Time Out for Women in Spokane this weekend. It was seriously a great experience. If you haven't heard this amazing Woman's story/testimony, you should. Puts things into perspective!! She should write a book, I wonder if anyone has suggested that to her before?...

~Sister Mariama Kallon~


It took two long years but our little booger is FINALLY getting some hair, and its getting long. I took these cute pics of her today. Its still not as long as most kids her age but its getting there. And no, we have never cut it, that would be crazy.

AND no, I have not forgotten about updating our weight counter. BUT April was a B.A.D. month for us. We spent the last week desperatly trying to catch up. I worked my butt off and lost 6 pounds but I haven't made much progress since the last time I posted about it because most of that was weight that I GAINED in April. Jason on the other hand, is a man and got back on track much more quickly. He is doing great. I am a woman and seriously, I am chalking it up to the fact that I am on some new meds etc., ect. I can make excuses right?! Anything to get me through the day ;)

Jason = -56 pounds
Mallory = -26 pounds

Crazy to think we have lost 82 pounds all together!! I have lost as much as my daughter weighs and when I carry her around I think about that and wonder how its possible that I had that much extra weight on me. Wish us luck, I need to get out of the rut I am in...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our yard...

I was so excited I couldn't wait to post pics!! We were out tonight putting in Sod and thanks to Jason's brother Spencer and his friend Brandon, we got most of the yard done!! It looks amazing and I can't wait for Lacy to be able to play.
P.S.- laying sod is back breaking, mine is SUPER sore. So worth it though!

It's been too long...

A lot has been going on around here but I just haven't had the time or energy to blog. I will catch up to speed...

We were out pulling weeds a couple of nights last week and we even put our two year old to work. She thought it was the funnest thing ever. On saturday, the Bishop and several people from the Ward stopped by unannouced to finish the job, it was truely amazing and by far the best birthday present of the day! The even leveled and filled in the trenches and we just got SOD delivered so we will be back there tonight FINALLY creating a backyard for our daughter to play in. I can't wait!!!

I turned 24 on saturday. We went to a movie (Date Night, I loved IT!) and Applebee's with my fam. Then we all came back home to eat the yummy cake Lacy and Jason made for me. Thanks to everyone for all the happy birthday's!

Sunday would have been my cousin Jacksen's 19th birthday. We all went to Othello for a nice get together to eat too MUCH yummy food and celebrate his life. I can't help but think about what he would be doing right now if her were still here. Without a doubt, he would be preparing to serve a mission. Although did not get the opportunity to serve here on Earth, he has been serving the LORD for over two years now and I am sure doing a magnificent job! P.S.- Thanks for sending your baby sis Sunny our way, she is amazing Jack!!

Well, Lacy has been using the potty for several months now but I decided to go full throttle this week and actually just put her in underwear when we are home. It's been okay, only a few accidents. The problem is, she will go potty when I put her on it but she won't tell me when she needs to go. I feel like I just get lucky and catch her before she goes in her underwear. I am hoping a few more wet panties will make her more aware and force her to start to realize what she is doing before she does it. Someone at gymnastics told me that with her kids she literally did nothing but underwear for 4 days, even when they went out and it worked for them. Problem is, there is no way that I am putting her in underwear to go places because I don't want to clean up the mess (carseat, someone else's carpet eekk). So for now, we will do underwear at home and pull-ups when we go out. She did well on Sunday. We went to church and she went potty during Sacrament and then they brought her to me during Sunday school to go potty and she went again. Then when we came home she pooped in the potty! I am really hoping we can have her going all the time by the end of Summer.

So the update since we moved Lacy in to her "big girl bed" and took away the pacifiers is not so awesome. She suddenly HATES naptime and bedtime comes in at a close second on the list of things Lacy hates. I know its because now there is no pacfier but she is slowly getting better. If we try to get her to take a nap in her bed it generally turns into a 1-2 hour battle that I have decided I don't want to fight anymore. For whatever reason, she simply prefers Mommy's bed for naptime. Me being uptight about things, I have been fighting her for 3 weeks to sleep in her own bed when it was brought to my attention that honestly, who cares were she sleeps as long as she is taking a nap. So, I still try to put her in her bed and we have a pretty good routine: Read books, rock for a little bit and then lay in her bed. Mommy stays in the room for just a little while and then she usually asks me to leave the door open and I tell her to just "rest" until I come back to get her. That has worked a handful of times. However, yesterday I was just too tired to fight her and since she was already in my bed watching a show while I showered, she got to take a nap in Mommy's bed. I just turned off the T.V. and said it was time to sleep and she turned over and went to sleep. I think Mommy's bed may occupied at naptime today too :) Thankfully, she is not a huge fan of sleeping with us at night (me either, its way TOO crowded so she sleeps in her bed at night. Lately its been getting a little easier so hopefully we get over this hatred for sleep soon.

5) WASTING LACY'S EXPENSIVE CHEEK BALM On her baby dolls...annoying!

over and over and over again. To the point that she practically has it memorized (as well as a two year old can.) I bought her this book a few weeks back at Far West bookstore and it is a primary song that they made into a book. The book is called Whenever I Hear but I am pretty sure the song is called Heavenly Father Loves Me. She loves it and I love that she loves it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday...

to my big sister Savannah who is exactly one year and nine days older then me. 25, seriously. I feel like it was just yesterday when she was pulling my hair and threatening to cut it all off with siccors. :) Love you, you tard! Hope you had a good one.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This is kind of addicting...

but it could get spendy so I'm not sure I want to really commit to it. Major plus, they are super cute AND much less time consuming then doing it by hand. hmmmm...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I wish I was two years old because...

Then when I dressed myself, no matter what I looked like, I would still be super cute,

and I could be pushed around on my tricycle instead of having to go through all the work of pedaling it myself,

and I could eat powdered rasberry filled donuts for dessert and have no consequences (only a sugar high and a big old mess!)

and I could dress up in my Daddy's work gear (watch, badge and hard hat) and be totally adorable!

and it would be completely acceptable to run around in only Daddy's sweatband after my bath,

and FINALLY, someone would actually force me to take a nap and I would need one of these... (which I am thinking about investing in) :)

Jason = -45 pounds
Mallory = -24 pounds :)