"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

~Angela Schwindt

Sunday, January 25, 2009

House update...

Every weekend we drive out to Pasco and see the progress on our house. We are so excited. It seemed like it took forever for them to start but it is now going up fast. Jason and I walked through it today and it is so cool to see where all the rooms are and everything!

Dirt hole...

concrete foundation...

Finally a house!!!

Lacy update...

Some fun pics of Lacy we took today...see if you can spot the "bubba gump" face...

Lacy has been doing GREAT with Mommy going to school. Much better then me! She loves all her babysitters (Aunt Karen, Grandma Sue and Nonna and sometimes Aunt Garalene). She loves them all and never cries when I leave. What a relief. She is walking all over the place and it is funny to see peoples reactions to it because she is just so little. Our second week of school was kind of rough because Lacy got a cold and of course, got a double ear infection as well (we are starting to see a trend!). I had to miss most of school on tuesday to take her in and for once, the antibiotics they gave her have actually worked! She is still little for 10 1/2 months (18.8 pounds) but who's counting! So even though an entire night of sleep has been very seldom, we are doing pretty. (Time to talk to the doc about tubes!)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So on a previous post we had a video of Lacy and we were trying to get her to say Dada but she said, "MAMA!" So here she is doing the exact opposite! She is so funny- loving bath time! Oh, and she is obviously still working on her listening skills! lol

10 months old and walking...

Here are the pics of Lacy on her 10 month birthday. It was also my 1st day back to school so I snapped these pictures early in the morning before I left and she was tired, in her pj's and not wanting to sit so this is what we got but I got some so thats all that counts! Lacy is now saying Dada ALOT and he is the 1st person that she can put a name with the face. What I mean is if you say Lacy where is Dada? She looks right at him and when he comes home and she is playing with him or attacking him she is always says "Dadadada"! Sometimes I swear she says "Hey Dada". She tries to repeat stuff we say and if you ask her to play patty cake she starts trying to roll her hands and she says, "rrrrooooo" (she tries to say roll it and roll it.) She is officially walking although crawling is still her favorite way of transportation (it is still much faster). She is a picky eater but her all time favorite food is 'lil crunchies. They are basically like cheetos for babies. Not so healthy but whatever, at least she is eating! She has been sleeping all night in her bed but does get up a lot earlier now which is not so fun (6am= too early!)
I am so excited for her 1st birthday. We already got her present and we got a great deal on it so yeah for us!
There are also some pics of her eating an oreo she stole from me and yes, Daddy gave her a chocolate orange- major no no but hey, she loves chocolate ALREADY!

Ok, so I promised a walking video and I have been having issues downloading videos! I finally got it. This is Lacy last night right before bed. I was being a mean Mommy and making her walk but shes doing it! Today at Aunt Karen's she was practically running! It always looks like she is about to fall but then she doesn't!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Lacy's 1st boo boo...

So tonight I had a pretty scary experience. Lacy is getting pretty mobile and with that comes bonks and bruises. I get that, but when you see blood, its a different story...

She was playing over in the cupboard where we keep our food. She always plays over there and there isn't anything in there that can hurt her (or so I thought) so we usually let her have fun and make a big mess. I think I may have a few pictures in earlier blogs of her playing in there. We keep most of her little snacks down there. She likes to put everything in her mouth and occasionally she will pop the lid off of her snacks with her mouth or just kind of chew on them (there the Gerber Graduates 'lil crunchies). No big deal right? Wrong!!

I just happened to look over and she was up on her knees with that darn can in her mouth and she fell flat on her face. I instantly knew that must have hurt and ran and picked her up. That is when I saw the blood gushing out EVERYWHERE. I ran to the kitchen to get a wet washcloth to try and stop the bleeding but it was bad and there was blood everywhere. When I first looked, I seriously thought she had a huge gash in her gums (no teeth on top yet). I called Jason who was on his way home from work and told him to hurry. I thought for sure this was going to be a trip to the E.R.

By the time Jason got home she had calmed down enough for us to lift her swallon little lip and see just what happened. Thankfully it was not the gums but we noticed that her lip was no longer connected to her gums. You know that little piece of skin that connects the top lip to the gums? Put your tongue up there and you will see what I am talking about. We also have it under our tongues.

So I called the physicians immediate care and they said to take her to the E.R. but at that point she was playing and laughing like nothing was wrong. Jason and I were thinking that they probably wouldn't put stitches there so I decided to call the on-call doctor at her doctors office.

She said that little piece of skin is called the frenulum and that as long as that was all that tore, we wouldn't need to take her in unless it started bleeding bad again. She said that more then likely that little piece of skin will reattach itself and if not, it won't really effect her. What a relief- we hate the E.R.!

She told us to just put some ice on it if she would let us but of course we didn't have any so we just gave her some frozen strawberries in one of those little mesh thingys (1st time eating strawberries and she loved them!)

So all is well and Lacy has officially gotten the first (of several I am sure) major boo boo. And we managed to get through it with only a few tears (from Mommy and Lacy), some blood on our clothes and the carpet, and some yummy frozen strawberries!

P.S.- I have a cute little video of Lacy eating her frozen strawberries and discussing what happened with Daddy that I will post when I get it downloaded. No pics of the boo boo yet but I am sure I will get some of that too!

The can she is holding in this picture is the one that did it...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Its a new year and Lacy is walking...basically...

Well it has been a while since my last post. It has been pretty busy around here. Christmas was pretty low key and was wonderful. We stayed home all day and had family over for breakfast and dinner. Lacy was so cute and loved all of her wonderful presents. Thanks to everyone for spoiling our baby rotten (not that we didn't spoil her too!) I have some really great pictures of christmas posted on myspace if you want to see them all. It takes FOREVER to download them on here so I will just put a few. If anyone knows a trick to do it faster, let me know!)...

New Years was pretty mellow for us to. We had my Mom and Lonnie over to play games and sadly, we only mad it to about 10pm. As my husband would say, "We are the oldest young people I know!" It is so true. Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of Lacy on her 1st New Years which is so not like me but I guess New Year's isn't really a baby friendly holiday anyway.
We are STILL waiting on the city of Pasco to return the permit so they can start our house and it seems like it is taking forever!! However, it is still suppose to be done by March 19th!!! We cannot wait to get out if this apartment and in our OWN house! If we had a quarter for everytime we said that we would be rich!!
I am headed back to school in one week from today and am still having issues. I am sad to leave Lacy but I am starting to realize that it will be good for her. I am going to be one busy lady for the next four months so if you think I never post new blogs now, just wait and see! I am looking forward to May 6th (last day of the semester). We will be in OUR house and I will be home with Lacy for 4 months before I have to go back and student teach. I plan on having a mellow summer and letting Lacy play in the water ALL day long with her cousin Carson (who will be 4 minutes away when we move to Pasco!)
Lacy is doing pretty good. She is still not 100% healthy but doing A LOT better. She has a pretty wicked cough that she can't seem to get rid of and the nose is still runny sometimes. Other then that, she is doing great. She is sleeping 10-11 hours at night and is on a really good napping schedule, she usually takes two a day. She is learning new things everyday and loves to mimmick and try to repeat things we say and do. She plays patty cake and knows all the motions and recently learned how to play peek-a-boo! She has a new found love for books (it was hard to get her to sit still for books before) and still loves the wiggles and seasame street. Elmo is her favorite and she actually got Elmo live for Christmas from my Mom (see what I mean, spoiled!). She thinks it is so great. AND she is walking, basically. She is still REALLY wobbly but she can take up to 5-6 steps at a time. It looks really funny because she is so little. I have a couple of videos where she is going for the camera and totally takes it out but you can still see that she is walking. For some reason I am having issues posting videos but I will keep trying!

Happy New Year!!

Recent pics of Lacy...

Getting into her favorite cupboard...

After church yesterday...she is such a poser!!

loungin' with a baba...

Sneaking some chocolate ice cream under the table from Daddy...