She was playing over in the cupboard where we keep our food. She always plays over there and there isn't anything in there that can hurt her (or so I thought) so we usually let her have fun and make a big mess. I think I may have a few pictures in earlier blogs of her playing in there. We keep most of her little snacks down there. She likes to put everything in her mouth and occasionally she will pop the lid off of her snacks with her mouth or just kind of chew on them (there the Gerber Graduates 'lil crunchies). No big deal right? Wrong!!
I just happened to look over and she was up on her knees with that darn can in her mouth and she fell flat on her face. I instantly knew that must have hurt and ran and picked her up. That is when I saw the blood gushing out EVERYWHERE. I ran to the kitchen to get a wet washcloth to try and stop the bleeding but it was bad and there was blood everywhere. When I first looked, I seriously thought she had a huge gash in her gums (no teeth on top yet). I called Jason who was on his way home from work and told him to hurry. I thought for sure this was going to be a trip to the E.R.
By the time Jason got home she had calmed down enough for us to lift her swallon little lip and see just what happened. Thankfully it was not the gums but we noticed that her lip was no longer connected to her gums. You know that little piece of skin that connects the top lip to the gums? Put your tongue up there and you will see what I am talking about. We also have it under our tongues.
So I called the physicians immediate care and they said to take her to the E.R. but at that point she was playing and laughing like nothing was wrong. Jason and I were thinking that they probably wouldn't put stitches there so I decided to call the on-call doctor at her doctors office.
She said that little piece of skin is called the frenulum and that as long as that was all that tore, we wouldn't need to take her in unless it started bleeding bad again. She said that more then likely that little piece of skin will reattach itself and if not, it won't really effect her. What a relief- we hate the E.R.!
She told us to just put some ice on it if she would let us but of course we didn't have any so we just gave her some frozen strawberries in one of those little mesh thingys (1st time eating strawberries and she loved them!)
So all is well and Lacy has officially gotten the first (of several I am sure) major boo boo. And we managed to get through it with only a few tears (from Mommy and Lacy), some blood on our clothes and the carpet, and some yummy frozen strawberries!
P.S.- I have a cute little video of Lacy eating her frozen strawberries and discussing what happened with Daddy that I will post when I get it downloaded. No pics of the boo boo yet but I am sure I will get some of that too!
The can she is holding in this picture is the one that did it...
poor little lacy! and mommy! sorry you had to go thru that- i hate when they get hurt. it makes you wanna bawl! glad everything turned out ok.
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