"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

~Angela Schwindt

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Day in the Life of Lacy Ann Self...

8:30 am: Lacy yells for Mommy to come get her from her bed (and yes, you will see a pacifier in her mouth if and only IF she is in her crib...judge me if you please!)

8:45am: Watch Curious George in Mommy's Bed!

9am: Breakfast time...Lucky Charms and Toast. She actually has recently started to pick only the marshmallows out and eat them only.
Other favs for breakfast- Blueberry Muffins, Pancakes and Eggs. And of course she TRIES to convince us that "chocolate bummy rabbits" are also appropriate for breakfast, not happening.

9:30am: Potty time and get dressed time...she loves her princess pull-ups!

9:35am: Watch some Seasame Street while she gets her hair done.

10am: Coloring time

10:30am: Get our shoes on (she actually sat there for a good 5 minutes trying to do it all by herself before she finally said, "Mommy you help me please?" so cute) and head to Carson's house for a 2 mile walk to the park. Lacy LOVES the park and it is probably her favorite place to go right now.

11:30am: Lacy takes a tumble and gets some pretty good road rash on her hand...it actually looked pretty bad but she didn't cry much. I am more then positive it was because her hands were so cold from the wind and what not (forgot the gloves) that they were actually numb.

12:30pm: Head home to Aunt Garalene's for some lunch. (Nice stroller huh?)

1pm: Lunch at Aunt Garalene's where Lacy's hands thawed out and we cleaned up her little boo boo. This is when she started to feel it and actually wouldn't really use it. We ended up putting a glove on because I couldn't cover it all with band-aids and she ended up leaving it on until we got to gymnastics over 4 hours later.

1:50pm: Potty time before nap. Note: Crazy hat hair alert!

2pm: Nap time...gotta have those "paa paa's"

4pm: Up from nap and getting ready for gymnastics. A trip to the potty and her princess chair to get her hair re-done to go to gymnastics. The glove is still covering the dramatic booboo.

5:15pm: Gymnastics with Carson. I didn't get any other pics because it is hard to chase a two year old around AND take pics.

6:30pm: Dinner with Mommy (Daddy usually eats with us but he worked late today :() Lacy had one of her favs...Gerber ravioli's. They are nasty bland things that she will down anytime.

7pm: Watching Night at the Museum, the 2nd one (Oddly enough, this is one that she picks a lot now) while Mommy does the dishes and gets the house cleaned up.

7:30pm: We can't forget the ever present two year old tantrums...this one occuring because I wouldn't let her close the dishwasher while I was trying to load it.

8pm: Bath time!!

8:30 pm: Ready for bed and she got to stay up late tonight to wait for Daddy to get home. (Still treating the hand as if it might fall off if she uses it)

9pm: Daddy's finally home and offers Lacy and little oreo cakester snack before bed.

9:15pm: Bed time finally. Lacy is getting good at saying her prayers. She got a book from Daddy and went straight to bed! Love you little cutie...can't believe she is almost two!

1 comment:

Kmyers said...

This is the sweetest pic...You are so awesome!!